SEALWeb regularly audits and designs electronic orders and invoices projects. SEALWeb missions include all aspects of such projects.
facture fiscaleTender specifications writingOrganization of competition processTenders analysis: projections andcosts simulationsPresentations and contractrecommendationsSUPPLIERS SELECTIONDeployment project managementTasks coordination between supplierand company workforceFunctional acceptance testsand flows validation withtargeted clients and suppliersPROJECT MANAGEMENTSuppliers and clientsexpectations analysisDefinition of adoption criteriafor new processes in differentbranches or activitiesCommunication plan definitionProgressive, generaldeployment service managementDEPLOYMENT PLANIncoming, outgoing invoices.Compliance to tax regulationsOutsourcing versus insourcingopportunities analysisAnalysis of the easiness tointegrate into existing IT environmentDefinition of standards and protocolsto be used : XML, EANCOM, EDIFACT,AS2, HTTPS, SFTPNEEDS ANALYSIS